Madie! Class of 2016

My sweet funny friend is growing up. It’s surreal!

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It wouldn’t be a photo session with Madie without a few outtakes … Madie_fb_05

Madie strikes a “dude” pose; cracks herself up!

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We found Sasquatch!  Madie_fb_15

She’s funny, smart & beautiful. That’s my girl.


Sam R

Here are a few shots from a recent 15-20 minute Senior Photo shoot.

I met up with Sam & his mom at Wingra park just before sunset. We hit the ground running … er. photographing … and got some great shots. As his mom says, this photo shoot was “painless”. 🙂

It doesn’t take a lot of time to look good now, does it? That’s a great smile Sam!

Miss Emi – at night with light

Take 2!

Last week Emily (Emi) and I explored the great outdoors. We had a great time capturing well over 100 seriously amazing portraits.

However we knew – we were going to have to go downtown. Not “downtown” where the lights are bright – but downtown where it’s dark, and moody and industrial.

We had one goal in mind – to get one perfect shot – painting with light. It only took us about 30 minutes to get all the elements together.

First was the hard part, waiting for the darkness. So, we played around a bit; on the parking structure, and near some abandoned (?) metal buildings, dancing around with glow sticks to kill some time.

Second was me, I had to paint with light behind her, quickly, in cursive and backwards. Um! Not easy. I am the worst cursive writer.

Third was mom, her job was to aim the flash (to make Emi look great) in the right direction, and to pop the flash at the exact right time.

Fourth was Emi, she had to sit relatively still, and look gorgeous. {She’s pretty good at that .. so she had the easiest job ;)} We are a great team, I think it only took us about 8 shots to get all the elements together …

and hey, why not add show you a few more 😉


Ah! When Emily wrote me asking for senior photos, she made a point of telling me that she wanted something fun. She brought along the balloons and bubbles, I brought the blankets and the bug spray.

We had a blast. Literally! We totally popped one of those fabulous red balloons in less than ten minutes. Thank goodness we got some great shots with them first! Luckily, bubbles were meant for breaking. I wouldn’t be surprised if we went through the whole bottle.

Emily told me she wasn’t concerned about “looking perfect” for the camera. I’m sad to disappoint her; I think she looks stunning in every-single-one. Am I right mom?